We have prepared spring skills camps for you in the months of May and June at the winter stadium in Most.
Hockey has become a year-round sport, and therefore even in this period it is necessary to maintain contact with the ice and work on improving and perfecting skills.
7.5. Střelba / Zakončení
14.5. Skating Skills
21.5.Vedení puku / Stickhandling
28.5.Víceúčelový kemp
4.6. Skating Skills
11.6. Hry na malém prostoru
18.6. Střelba / Zakončení
25.6. Vedení puku / Stickhandling
Schedule creates always 1-2 days before camp (due to diseases and apologies) and is always sending an email.
Log in http://www.skillshockey.eu/rezervace/