Winter League 2023/2024

The Winter League has already become an integral part of our school, so it cannot be missing in the following season 2023/2024.

For the 2023/2024 season, we are already preparing the 6th year of this league for the 2010 and 2011 players, for the 2012 and 2013 players it will be the 3rd year, for the 2014 players we are preparing the 2nd year, and this year the 2015 players will also have their turn, for which we are preparing 1 .year of studies.

This year there will be one change and that is that this year we will start already in September in Mělník. Each category has one round every month until March (7th round). Game days are scheduled for the 2010-2013 categories mostly on Mondays, with a Tuesday inserted in some months. The 2014-2015 categories have their game days only on Tuesdays.

The standings and breakdown of the respective categories will be published and presented on the website and application

The results will be entered into the overall table and the overall winner of the Winter League in the given category will be announced in March.

Proposition of the 2010 category:

Playing time: 2x 20 minutes of pure time, game 5/5.

Number of players minimum 13+1

Ice adjustment: after 2 played matches

Scoring: the winner is decided by the highest number of points obtained for all matches.

In order to motivate the children, each half will be scored separately.

Registered teams:

Czech Stars Team

Vikings Hockey

School of Sport MRak

TFA Academy

Czech Phoenix

Black Horses

We start on September 11, 2023 in Mělník.

Proposition of the 2011 category:

Playing time: 2x 20 minutes of pure time, game 5/5.

Number of players minimum 13+1

Ice adjustment: after 2 played matches

Scoring: the winner is decided by the highest number of points obtained for all matches.

In order to motivate the children, each half will be scored separately.

Registered teams:

Czech Stars Team

Black Horses

Young Boys

School of Sport MRak

Czech Ice Hockey Academy

Vikings Hockey

We start on September 12, 2023 in Mělník.

Proposition of the 2012 category:

Playing time: 2x 20 minutes of pure time, game 5/5.

Number of players minimum 13+1

Ice adjustment: after 2 played matches

Scoring: the winner is decided by the highest number of points obtained for all matches.

In order to motivate the children, each third will be scored separately.

Registered teams:

Czech Stars Team

Czech Dragons

Vikings Hockey

Czech Ice Hockey Academy

Black Horses

EHT Rockets

We start on September 18, 2023 in Mělník.

Proposition of the 2013 category:

Playing time: 2x 20 minutes of pure time, game 5/5.

Number of players minimum 13+1

Ice adjustment: after 2 played matches

Scoring: the winner is decided by the highest number of points obtained for all matches.

In order to motivate the children, each third will be scored separately.

Registered teams:

Czech Stars Team

TFA Academy

Czech Dragons

Vikings Hockey

EHT Rockets

Czech Ice Hockey Academy

We start on September 25, 2023 in Mělník.

Proposition of the 2014 category:

Playing time: 3x 15 minutes of rough time, game 3/3, across the entire field lengthwise.

Number of players: 9+1 (not a requirement)

Ice adjustment: after 2 played matches

Scoring: the winner is decided by the highest number of points obtained for all matches.

In order to motivate the children, each third will be scored separately.

Registered teams:

Czech Stars Team

Red Boys Prague

Czech Dragons

Vikings Hockey

Czech Ice Hockey Academy

TFA Academy

We start on September 19, 2023 in Mělník.

Proposition of the 2015 category:

Playing time: 3x 15 minutes of rough time, game 3/3, across the entire field lengthwise.

Number of players: 9+1 (not a requirement)

Ice adjustment: after 2 played matches

Scoring: the winner is decided by the highest number of points obtained for all matches.

In order to motivate the children, each third will be scored separately.

Registered teams:

Czech Stars Team


Czech Dragons

Vikings Hockey

Czech Eagles

TFA Academy

We start on September 26, 2023 in Mělník.

We are very pleased with such great interest from teams. What about the team, what about quality and we can’t wait for it to break out again and the kids will play some very high quality matches.



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